How to navigate your project construction stage.
Don’t start your construction stage unprepared.
Don’t start your construction stage unprepared.
Renovations and refurbishment projects are extremly expensive endevours. It is probably the biggest chunk of money you will spend beside actually buying a house.
Over the years working on projects, we have been called to fix many disasters. Saddest part is, that most of them could have been avoided.
Is your space practical? Is it functional? Is it light? Is it dark? Is it warm? Cold? Too small? Too large? Too messy, too busy? Is it connecting or is it isolating. How are the zones and spaces within it interacting? Is it supportive of your life? FREE GIFT – DOWNLOAD OUR DESIGN BRIEF WORKSHEET
Don’t rob yourself of this creative process. Your project needs it. You need it. It will become your anchor and your vector. It will keep you grounded and also provide direction whenever you struggle with decision making. I will try my best to help you make some sense of what is ahead and how to start your home making adventure. FREE GIFT – DOWNLOAD OUR VISION BOARD GUIDE & WORKSHEET
Your house is your immediate environment. You are surrounded by it. It affects you physically and mentally. It can fill you with positive or negative energies. It can drain you or charge you up…
What problems are we solving if we are not able to truly identify them?